Warehouses Bologna

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Warehouses Bologna

You have made this search: Warehouses Bologna, and have therefore come to Companyspace.com, Europe's big portal for commercial real estate. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Warehouses Bologna. If you don't find commercial real estate that matches your search, you can use the filter above to find commercial rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are searching for warehouse in Bologna

Bologna is broadly known as the city of food, which makes it a self explanatory place to settle for the italian cuisine enthusiast. The city takes pride in the local cuisine, and many of the dishes have migrated out of the country and become huge classics in the kitchen. Dishes like ragú and spaghetti bolognese originated from this very town. 

Apart from being heaven for the italian food lovers, bologna is the capital of the  Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy, with 390,000 inhabitants (2020). 

The city is also known as a very multicultural city, as they are home to over 50 different nationalities. This makes settling here more accessible to expats, as there are many opportunities in terms of fx. translation.

Many move to Bologna to study as the city has the oldest university in Europe, called Alma Mater Studiorum. The university occupied around 78.000 students in 2016, which means a large number of the inhabitants in the city are either studying or working there. The university takes in many exchange students or just foreigners as well, and makes sure to have plenty of opportunities for them. They fx. have 48 PhD programmes, of which 43 of them are taught in english.

The cost of living in bologna is generally lower than other large italian cities, but still not what you would call cheap, as the city has a lot to offer. The average cost of a 1 bedroom apartment in the city centre is about 690 euros, and a monthly pass to public transport is around 36 euros (2020). The public transport consists of busses and are known to be reliable. Many of the streets in the centre are open exclusively to pedestrians and bicycles on all weekends, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to peacefully explore the streets.

And there are plenty of interesting sights both culturally, architecturally and artistically. You can visit the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca with the longest portico in the world, or The Library of the Archiginnasio, one of the oldest libraries in Europe, among many others.

What is a warehouse?

A storage space is a commercial area designed for the storage, distribution, and handling of goods and materials. There are storage spaces for rent everywhere, but they are most commonly found in industrial zones, logistics centers, and near supply chains. You can rent space in a dedicated warehouse building or in a section of a property set up for storage or depot - for example, a basement space that can be used for storage.

Storage spaces can vary in size and with different layouts, and they can exist as individual units or as part of larger storage facilities. When you rent a warehouse, you typically pay a monthly or quarterly rent to the landlord.