Leie av lagerlokaler Zagreb

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Leie av lagerlokaler Zagreb

Du har gjort dette søket: Leie av lagerlokaler Zagreb, og har derfor kommet til Companyspace.com, som er Europas store portal for ledige næringslokaler. Vær oppmerksom på at søkeresultatene nedenfor ikke nødvendigvis samsvarer med søket ditt Leie av lagerlokaler Zagreb. Finner du ikke lokaler som matcher søket ditt, kan du bruke filteret nedenfor for å finne eventuelle lokaler som matcher søket ditt. Det presiseres at du alltid skal forholde deg til loven ved leie eller utleie.

Useful to know when you are looking for lager in Zagreb

Zagreb is the largest city, capital of Croatia, and home to 807,254 (estimate of 2018) inhabitants and countless cultural, architectural and historic sights. 

Strolling through Zagreb, you’ll find yourself plastered in the middle of a red-roof and cobblestone glory, topped with the bedizen towers of the several churches. 

In the lower town, secessionist, neo-baroque and art deco buildings are scattered. The grey concrete walls of the city have had no chance to swallow up some of the southern european energy, as vibrant murals have been plastered all over them by various artists.

Zagreb is also the proud host of many great museums, Like the Museum of Broken Relationships, the Croatian Museum of Naïve Art, the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Just a 30 minute walk from the city centre, you’ll find Mirogoj, which is known as one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe, and we understand why as a string of cupolas makes the outside look like a fortress, and the gardens filled with statues and beautiful paths, makes you feel royal. Zagreb is located right at the foot of the Medvednica mountain, which supplies the area with equally thrilling opportunities of exploration and additional outdoor activities.

Zagreb is known for it’s so-called café mentality, which  is so much more than just grabbing a coffee, it’s the idea that there’s always time for a small chat over a cup of ‘kava’. The locals are correspondingly open minded and always ready for an introduction and a chat. The coffee mentality brings a vibrant street life to the city filled with open air markets, food stalls, and music festivals. Dolac Market has since 1930 been the main market for fresh produce, filling the heart of the city with a heaven of mature fruits, green vegetables in masses and an indoor hall for everything meat and dairy. 

Housing in Zagreb is cheaper than most of the other southern European capitals, and an apartment of 45sq.m goes for around 429 euros/month. There’s a broad range of possibilities in terms of housing and you’ll find everything from huge lavish apartments in the modern areas of town, to smaller, older and more characteristic apartments in the older part of town.

Settling in Zagreb as an expat has been described as a constant adventure, as the city seems to reveal itself more and more as you live there. It has so much more to offer than just the touristy sights.

Hva er et lager?

Et lagerlokale er et næringslokale designet for lagring, distribusjon, og håndtering av varer og materialer. Det finnes lagerlokaler til leie overalt, men de er vanligvis plassert i industriområder, logistikksentre, og nær forsyningskjeder. Du kan leie lager i en dedikert lagerbygning, eller i et område av en eiendom som er innredet for lager eller depot - for eksempel et kjellerlokale som kan brukes til oppbevaring.

Lagerlokaler kan variere i størrelse og har forskjellige planløsninger. De kan eksistere som individuelle enheter eller som en del av større lagerfasiliteter. Når du leier et lager, vil du normalt betale en månedlig eller kvartalsvis leie til utleieren.