Where the company spaces come from
The database with business premises mainly consist of Web addresses to vacant business premises on the internet.
The Service gives Companyspace Seekers an overview of vacant business premises in the EU, and gives the Landlords an overview of Company Seekers that are actively searching for business premises in the EU.
A central part of The Service is a company space search engine, which is partially created by robot crawling and indexing of many hundereds of websites, containing thousands of business premises, many times daily.
With this service a constantly updated overview with vacant business premises is delivered, where paying users get access to the whole database. This means that companyspace seekers from the whole world looking for new company spaces in European countries saves a lot of time that should otherwise be used to find all relevant websites and constantly search these for new company spaces.
Our goal is to gather as many business premises as possible and to make the search engine as complete as possible, to give our users as comprehensive an overview of vacant business premises as possible. The business premises in the Search Engine come from all different kind of sources that we see as satisfactory, including real estate agents, real estate companies, potentially business premises advertised on other portals and potentially business premises advertised on social media. It is emphasized that generally there is no agreement about crawling with the landlords which we refer to.
We emphasize that The Service does not have an in-mail system. The Companyspace Seeker is either linked to the website where the business premise is found, or receives the contact details to the Landlord (in the cases where the business premise is created directly by a user).
We emphasize, which is also described in our Terms of use, that errors in the search engine may occur. See the description of the reasons to errors here. On all business premises there is a reporting feature, where users can report data errors in the business premise, or report if the source that is linked to does not work.